Source code for httpretty.core

# #!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# <HTTPretty - HTTP client mock for Python>
# Copyright (C) <2011-2018>  Gabriel Falcao <>
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
# files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
# restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
# copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
# conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import codecs
import contextlib
import functools
import hashlib
import inspect
import itertools
import json
import re
import socket
import tempfile
import threading
import traceback
import warnings

from functools import partial

from .compat import (
from .http import (

from .utils import (

from .errors import HTTPrettyError, UnmockedError

from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from errno import EAGAIN

old_socket = socket.socket
old_SocketType = socket.SocketType
old_create_connection = socket.create_connection
old_gethostbyname = socket.gethostbyname
old_gethostname = socket.gethostname
old_getaddrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo
old_socksocket = None
old_ssl_wrap_socket = None
old_sslwrap_simple = None
old_sslsocket = None
old_sslcontext_wrap_socket = None

MULTILINE_ANY_REGEX = re.compile(r'.*', re.M)
hostname_re = re.compile(r'\^?(?:https?://)?[^:/]*[:/]?')

try:  # pragma: no cover
    import socks
    old_socksocket = socks.socksocket
except ImportError:
    socks = None

try:  # pragma: no cover
    import ssl
    old_ssl_wrap_socket = ssl.wrap_socket
        old_sslcontext_wrap_socket = ssl.SSLContext.wrap_socket
    except AttributeError:
    if not PY3:
        old_sslwrap_simple = ssl.sslwrap_simple
    old_sslsocket = ssl.SSLSocket
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    ssl = None

    import requests.packages.urllib3.connection as requests_urllib3_connection
    old_requests_ssl_wrap_socket = requests_urllib3_connection.ssl_wrap_socket
except ImportError:
    requests_urllib3_connection = None

DEFAULT_HTTP_PORTS = frozenset([80])
DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORTS = frozenset([443])

    return x

[docs]class HTTPrettyRequest(BaseHTTPRequestHandler, BaseClass): r""" Represents a HTTP request. It takes a valid multi-line, ``\r\n`` separated string with HTTP headers and parse them out using the internal `parse_request` method. It also replaces the `rfile` and `wfile` attributes with StringIO instances so that we guarantee that it won't make any I/O, neighter for writing nor reading. It has some convenience attributes: ``headers`` -> a mimetype object that can be cast into a dictionary, contains all the request headers ``method`` -> the HTTP method used in this request ``querystring`` -> a dictionary containing lists with the attributes. Please notice that if you need a single value from a query string you will need to get it manually like: ``body`` -> the request body as a string ``parsed_body`` -> the request body parsed by ``parse_request_body`` .. testcode:: >>> request.querystring {'name': ['Gabriel Falcao']} >>> print request.querystring['name'][0] """ def __init__(self, headers, body=''): # first of all, lets make sure that if headers or body are # unicode strings, it must be converted into a utf-8 encoded # byte string self.raw_headers = utf8(headers.strip()) self._body = utf8(body) # Now let's concatenate the headers with the body, and create # `rfile` based on it self.rfile = StringIO(b'\r\n\r\n'.join([self.raw_headers, self.body])) # Creating `wfile` as an empty StringIO, just to avoid any # real I/O calls self.wfile = StringIO() # parsing the request line preemptively self.raw_requestline = self.rfile.readline() # initiating the error attributes with None self.error_code = None self.error_message = None # Parse the request based on the attributes above if not self.parse_request(): return # making the HTTP method string available as the command self.method = self.command # Now 2 convenient attributes for the HTTPretty API: # `querystring` holds a dictionary with the parsed query string try: self.path = self.path.encode('iso-8859-1') except UnicodeDecodeError: pass self.path = decode_utf8(self.path) qstring = self.path.split("?", 1)[-1] self.querystring = self.parse_querystring(qstring) # And the body will be attempted to be parsed as # `application/json` or `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` """a dictionary containing parsed request body or None if HTTPrettyRequest doesn't know how to parse it. It currently supports parsing body data that was sent under the ``content`-type` headers values: ``application/json`` or ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded`` """ self.parsed_body = self.parse_request_body(self._body) @property def body(self): return self._body @body.setter def body(self, value): self._body = utf8(value) # And the body will be attempted to be parsed as # `application/json` or `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` self.parsed_body = self.parse_request_body(self._body) def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self.body) or bool(self.raw_headers) def __str__(self): tmpl = '<HTTPrettyRequest("{}", total_headers={}, body_length={})>' return tmpl.format( self.headers.get('content-type', ''), len(self.headers), len(self.body), )
[docs] def parse_querystring(self, qs): """parses an UTF-8 encoded query string into a dict of string lists :param qs: a querystring :returns: a dict of lists """ expanded = unquote_utf8(qs) parsed = parse_qs(expanded) result = {} for k in parsed: result[k] = list(map(decode_utf8, parsed[k])) return result
[docs] def parse_request_body(self, body): """Attempt to parse the post based on the content-type passed. Return the regular body if not :param body: string :returns: a python object such as dict or list in case the deserialization suceeded. Else returns the given param ``body`` """ PARSING_FUNCTIONS = { 'application/json': json.loads, 'text/json': json.loads, 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': self.parse_querystring, } content_type = self.headers.get('content-type', '') do_parse = PARSING_FUNCTIONS.get(content_type, FALLBACK_FUNCTION) try: body = decode_utf8(body) return do_parse(body) except (Exception, BaseException): return body
[docs]class EmptyRequestHeaders(dict): """A dict subclass used as internal representation of empty request headers """
[docs]class HTTPrettyRequestEmpty(object): """Represents an empty :py:class:`~httpretty.core.HTTPrettyRequest` where all its properties are somehow empty or ``None`` """ method = None url = None body = '' headers = EmptyRequestHeaders()
[docs]class FakeSockFile(object): """Fake socket file descriptor. Under the hood all data is written in a temporary file, giving it a real file descriptor number. """ def __init__(self): self.file = tempfile.TemporaryFile() self._fileno = self.file.fileno() def getvalue(self): if hasattr(self.file, 'getvalue'): return self.file.getvalue() else: return def close(self): self.socket.close() self.file.close() def fileno(self): return self._fileno def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.file, name)
[docs]class FakeSSLSocket(object): """Shorthand for :py:class:`~httpretty.core.fakesock` """ def __init__(self, sock, *args, **kw): self._httpretty_sock = sock def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self._httpretty_sock, attr)
[docs]class fakesock(object): """ fake :py:mod:`socket` """
[docs] class socket(object): """drop-in replacement for :py:class:`socket.socket` """ _entry = None debuglevel = 0 _sent_data = [] def __init__(self, family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM, protocol=0, _sock=None): self.truesock = (old_socket(family, type, protocol) if httpretty.allow_net_connect else None) self._connected_truesock = False self._closed = True self.fd = FakeSockFile() self.fd.socket = _sock or self self.timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT self._sock = _sock or self self.is_http = False self._bufsize = 1024 def getpeercert(self, *a, **kw): now = shift = now + timedelta(days=30 * 12) return { 'notAfter': shift.strftime('%b %d %H:%M:%S GMT'), 'subjectAltName': ( ('DNS', '*.%s' % self._host), ('DNS', self._host), ('DNS', '*'), ), 'subject': ( ( ('organizationName', '*.%s' % self._host), ), ( ('organizationalUnitName', 'Domain Control Validated'), ), ( ('commonName', '*.%s' % self._host), ), ), } def ssl(self, sock, *args, **kw): return sock def setsockopt(self, level, optname, value): if self.truesock: self.truesock.setsockopt(level, optname, value) def connect(self, address): self._closed = False try: self._address = (self._host, self._port) = address except ValueError: # We get here when the address is just a string pointing to a # unix socket path/file # # See issue #206 self.is_http = False else: ports_to_check = ( POTENTIAL_HTTP_PORTS.union(POTENTIAL_HTTPS_PORTS)) self.is_http = self._port in ports_to_check if not self.is_http: if self.truesock and not self._connected_truesock: self.truesock.connect(self._address) self._connected_truesock = True else: raise UnmockedError() elif self.truesock and not self._connected_truesock: matcher = httpretty.match_http_address(self._host, self._port) if matcher is None: self.truesock.connect(self._address) self._connected_truesock = True def fileno(self): if self.truesock: return self.truesock.fileno() return self.fd.fileno() def close(self): if self._connected_truesock: self.truesock.close() self._connected_truesock = False self._closed = True
[docs] def makefile(self, mode='r', bufsize=-1): """Returns this fake socket's own tempfile buffer. If there is an entry associated with the socket, the file descriptor gets filled in with the entry data before being returned. """ self._mode = mode self._bufsize = bufsize if self._entry: t = threading.Thread( target=self._entry.fill_filekind, args=(self.fd,) ) t.start() if self.timeout == socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: timeout = None else: timeout = self.timeout t.join(timeout) if t.is_alive(): raise socket.timeout return self.fd
[docs] def real_sendall(self, data, *args, **kw): """Sends data to the remote server. This method is called when HTTPretty identifies that someone is trying to send non-http data. The received bytes are written in this socket's tempfile buffer so that HTTPretty can return it accordingly when necessary. """ if not self.truesock: raise UnmockedError() if not self.is_http: return self.truesock.sendall(data, *args, **kw) if self._address[1] == 443 and old_sslsocket: sock = old_sslsocket(self.truesock) else: sock = self.truesock if not self._connected_truesock: sock.connect(self._address) sock.setblocking(1) sock.sendall(data, *args, **kw) should_continue = True while should_continue: try: received = sock.recv(self._bufsize) self.fd.write(received) should_continue = bool(received.strip()) except socket.error as e: if e.errno == EAGAIN: continue break
def sendall(self, data, *args, **kw): self._sent_data.append(data) self.fd = FakeSockFile() self.fd.socket = self try: requestline, _ = data.split(b'\r\n', 1) method, path, version = parse_requestline( decode_utf8(requestline)) is_parsing_headers = True except ValueError: path = '' is_parsing_headers = False if self._entry is None: # If the previous request wasn't mocked, don't # mock the subsequent sending of data return self.real_sendall(data, *args, **kw) else: method = self._entry.method path = if not is_parsing_headers: if len(self._sent_data) > 1: headers = utf8(last_requestline(self._sent_data)) meta = self._entry.request.headers body = utf8(self._sent_data[-1]) if meta.get('transfer-encoding', '') == 'chunked': if not body.isdigit() and (body != b'\r\n') and (body != b'0\r\n\r\n'): self._entry.request.body += body else: self._entry.request.body += body httpretty.historify_request(headers, body, False) return # path might come with s = urlsplit(path) POTENTIAL_HTTP_PORTS.add(int(s.port or 80)) parts = list(map(utf8, data.split(b'\r\n\r\n', 1))) if len(parts) == 2: headers, body = parts else: headers = '' body = data request = httpretty.historify_request(headers, body) info = URIInfo( hostname=self._host, port=self._port, path=s.path, query=s.query, last_request=request ) matcher, entries = httpretty.match_uriinfo(info) if not entries: self._entry = None self.real_sendall(data) return self._entry = matcher.get_next_entry(method, info, request) def debug(self, truesock_func, *a, **kw): if self.is_http: frame = inspect.stack()[0][0] lines = list(map(utf8, traceback.format_stack(frame))) message = [ "HTTPretty intercepted and unexpected socket method call.", ("Please open an issue at " "''"), "And paste the following traceback:\n", "".join(decode_utf8(lines)), ] raise RuntimeError("\n".join(message)) if not self.truesock: raise UnmockedError() return getattr(self.truesock, truesock_func)(*a, **kw) def settimeout(self, new_timeout): self.timeout = new_timeout def send(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.debug('send', *args, **kwargs) def sendto(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.debug('sendto', *args, **kwargs) def recvfrom_into(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.debug('recvfrom_into', *args, **kwargs) def recv_into(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.debug('recv_into', *args, **kwargs) def recvfrom(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.debug('recvfrom', *args, **kwargs) def recv(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.debug('recv', *args, **kwargs) def __getattr__(self, name): if not self.truesock: raise UnmockedError() return getattr(self.truesock, name)
[docs]def fake_wrap_socket(orig_wrap_socket_fn, *args, **kw): """drop-in replacement for py:func:`ssl.wrap_socket` """ server_hostname = kw.get('server_hostname') if server_hostname is not None: matcher = httpretty.match_https_hostname(server_hostname) if matcher is None: return orig_wrap_socket_fn(*args, **kw) if 'sock' in kw: return kw['sock'] else: return args[0]
[docs]def create_fake_connection( address, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, source_address=None): """drop-in replacement for :py:func:`socket.create_connection`""" s = fakesock.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP) if timeout is not socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: s.settimeout(timeout) if source_address: s.bind(source_address) s.connect(address) return s
[docs]def fake_gethostbyname(host): """drop-in replacement for :py:func:`socket.gethostbyname`""" return ''
[docs]def fake_gethostname(): """drop-in replacement for :py:func:`socket.gethostname`""" return 'localhost'
[docs]def fake_getaddrinfo( host, port, family=None, socktype=None, proto=None, flags=None): """drop-in replacement for :py:func:`socket.getaddrinfo`""" return [(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP, '', (host, port))]
[docs]class Entry(BaseClass): """Created by :py:meth:`~httpretty.core.httpretty.register_uri` and stored in memory as internal representation of a HTTP request/response definition. :param method: string :param uri: string :param body: string :param adding_headers: dict - headers to be added to the response :param forcing_headers: dict - headers to be forcefully set in the response :param status: an integer (e.g.: ``status=200``) :param streaming: bool - whether to stream the response :param headers: keyword-args with headers to be added to the response .. warning:: When using the ``forcing_headers`` option make sure to add the header ``Content-Length`` otherwise calls using :py:mod:`requests` will try to load the response endlessly. """ def __init__(self, method, uri, body, adding_headers=None, forcing_headers=None, status=200, streaming=False, **headers): self.method = method self.uri = uri = None self.request = None self.body_is_callable = False if hasattr(body, "__call__"): self.callable_body = body self.body = None self.body_is_callable = True elif isinstance(body, text_type): self.body = utf8(body) else: self.body = body self.streaming = streaming if not streaming and not self.body_is_callable: self.body_length = len(self.body or '') else: self.body_length = 0 self.adding_headers = adding_headers or {} self.forcing_headers = forcing_headers or {} self.status = int(status) for k, v in headers.items(): name = "-".join(k.split("_")).title() self.adding_headers[name] = v self.validate()
[docs] def validate(self): """validates the body size with the value of the ``Content-Length`` header """ content_length_keys = 'Content-Length', 'content-length' for key in content_length_keys: got = self.adding_headers.get( key, self.forcing_headers.get(key, None)) if got is None: continue igot = None try: igot = int(got) except (ValueError, TypeError): warnings.warn( 'HTTPretty got to register the Content-Length header ' 'with "%r" which is not a number' % got) return if igot and igot > self.body_length: raise HTTPrettyError( 'HTTPretty got inconsistent parameters. The header ' 'Content-Length you registered expects size "%d" but ' 'the body you registered for that has actually length ' '"%d".' % ( igot, self.body_length, ) )
def __str__(self): return r'<Entry {} {} getting {}>'.format( self.method, self.uri, self.status )
[docs] def normalize_headers(self, headers): """Normalize keys in header names so that ``COntent-tyPe`` becomes ``content-type`` :param headers: dict :returns: dict """ new = {} for k in headers: new_k = '-'.join([s.lower() for s in k.split('-')]) new[new_k] = headers[k] return new
[docs] def fill_filekind(self, fk): """writes HTTP Response data to a file descriptor :parm fk: a file-like object .. warning:: **side-effect:** this method moves the cursor of the given file object to zero """ now = datetime.utcnow() headers = { 'status': self.status, 'date': now.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'), 'server': 'Python/HTTPretty', 'connection': 'close', } if self.forcing_headers: headers = self.forcing_headers if self.adding_headers: headers.update( self.normalize_headers( self.adding_headers)) headers = self.normalize_headers(headers) status = headers.get('status', self.status) if self.body_is_callable: status, headers, self.body = self.callable_body(self.request,, headers) headers = self.normalize_headers(headers) # TODO: document this behavior: if 'content-length' not in headers: headers.update({ 'content-length': len(self.body) }) string_list = [ 'HTTP/1.1 %d %s' % (status, STATUSES[status]), ] if 'date' in headers: string_list.append('date: %s' % headers.pop('date')) if not self.forcing_headers: content_type = headers.pop('content-type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8') content_length = headers.pop('content-length', self.body_length) string_list.append('content-type: %s' % content_type) if not self.streaming: string_list.append('content-length: %s' % content_length) server = headers.pop('server', None) if server: string_list.append('server: %s' % server) for k, v in headers.items(): string_list.append( '{}: {}'.format(k, v), ) for item in string_list: fk.write(utf8(item) + b'\n') fk.write(b'\r\n') if self.streaming: self.body, body = itertools.tee(self.body) for chunk in body: fk.write(utf8(chunk)) else: fk.write(utf8(self.body))
[docs]def url_fix(s, charset=None): """escapes special characters """ if charset: warnings.warn("{}.url_fix() charset argument is deprecated".format(__name__), DeprecationWarning) scheme, netloc, path, querystring, fragment = urlsplit(s) path = quote(path, b'/%') querystring = quote_plus(querystring, b':&=') return urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, querystring, fragment))
[docs]class URIInfo(BaseClass): """Internal representation of `URIs <>`_ .. tip:: all arguments are optional :param username: :param password: :param hostname: :param port: :param path: :param query: :param fragment: :param scheme: :param last_request: """ default_str_attrs = ( 'username', 'password', 'hostname', 'port', 'path', ) def __init__(self, username='', password='', hostname='', port=80, path='/', query='', fragment='', scheme='', last_request=None): self.username = username or '' self.password = password or '' self.hostname = hostname or '' if port: port = int(port) elif scheme == 'https': port = 443 self.port = port or 80 self.path = path or '' if query: query_items = sorted(parse_qs(query).items()) self.query = urlencode( encode_obj(query_items), doseq=True, ) else: self.query = '' if scheme: self.scheme = scheme elif self.port in POTENTIAL_HTTPS_PORTS: self.scheme = 'https' else: self.scheme = 'http' self.fragment = fragment or '' self.last_request = last_request def to_str(self, attrs): fmt = ", ".join(['%s="%s"' % (k, getattr(self, k, '')) for k in attrs]) return r'<httpretty.URIInfo(%s)>' % fmt def __str__(self): return self.to_str(self.default_str_attrs) def str_with_query(self): attrs = self.default_str_attrs + ('query',) return self.to_str(attrs) def __hash__(self): return int(hashlib.sha1(binary_type(self, 'ascii')).hexdigest(), 16) def __eq__(self, other): self_tuple = ( self.port, decode_utf8(self.hostname.lower()), url_fix(decode_utf8(self.path)), ) other_tuple = ( other.port, decode_utf8(other.hostname.lower()), url_fix(decode_utf8(other.path)), ) return self_tuple == other_tuple
[docs] def full_url(self, use_querystring=True): """ :param use_querystring: bool :returns: a string with the full url with the format ``{scheme}://{credentials}{domain}{path}{query}`` """ credentials = "" if self.password: credentials = "{}:{}@".format( self.username, self.password) query = "" if use_querystring and self.query: query = "?{}".format(decode_utf8(self.query)) result = "{scheme}://{credentials}{domain}{path}{query}".format( scheme=self.scheme, credentials=credentials, domain=self.get_full_domain(), path=decode_utf8(self.path), query=query ) return result
[docs] def get_full_domain(self): """ :returns: a string in the form ``{domain}:{port}`` or just the domain if the port is 80 or 443 """ hostname = decode_utf8(self.hostname) # Port 80/443 should not be appended to the url if self.port not in DEFAULT_HTTP_PORTS | DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORTS: return ":".join([hostname, str(self.port)]) return hostname
[docs] @classmethod def from_uri(cls, uri, entry): """ :param uri: string :param entry: an instance of :py:class:`~httpretty.core.Entry` """ result = urlsplit(uri) if result.scheme == 'https': POTENTIAL_HTTPS_PORTS.add(int(result.port or 443)) else: POTENTIAL_HTTP_PORTS.add(int(result.port or 80)) return cls(result.username, result.password, result.hostname, result.port, result.path, result.query, result.fragment, result.scheme, entry)
[docs]class URIMatcher(object): regex = None info = None def __init__(self, uri, entries, match_querystring=False, priority=0): self._match_querystring = match_querystring # CPython, Jython regex_types = ('SRE_Pattern', 'org.python.modules.sre.PatternObject', 'Pattern') is_regex = type(uri).__name__ in regex_types if is_regex: self.regex = uri result = urlsplit(uri.pattern) if result.scheme == 'https': POTENTIAL_HTTPS_PORTS.add(int(result.port or 443)) else: POTENTIAL_HTTP_PORTS.add(int(result.port or 80)) else: = URIInfo.from_uri(uri, entries) self.entries = entries self.priority = priority # hash of current_entry pointers, per method. self.current_entries = {} def matches(self, info): if # Query string is not considered when comparing info objects, compare separately return == info and (not self._match_querystring or == info.query) else: return use_querystring=self._match_querystring)) def __str__(self): wrap = 'URLMatcher({})' if if self._match_querystring: return wrap.format(text_type( else: return wrap.format(text_type( else: return wrap.format(self.regex.pattern)
[docs] def get_next_entry(self, method, info, request): """Cycle through available responses, but only once. Any subsequent requests will receive the last response""" if method not in self.current_entries: self.current_entries[method] = 0 # restrict selection to entries that match the requested # method entries_for_method = [e for e in self.entries if e.method == method] if self.current_entries[method] >= len(entries_for_method): self.current_entries[method] = -1 if not self.entries or not entries_for_method: raise ValueError('I have no entries for method %s: %s' % (method, self)) entry = entries_for_method[self.current_entries[method]] if self.current_entries[method] != -1: self.current_entries[method] += 1 # Attach more info to the entry # So the callback can be more clever about what to do # This does also fix the case where the callback # would be handed a compiled regex as uri instead of the # real uri = info entry.request = request return entry
def __hash__(self): return hash(text_type(self)) def __eq__(self, other): return text_type(self) == text_type(other)
[docs]class httpretty(HttpBaseClass): """manages HTTPretty's internal request/response registry and request matching. """ _entries = {} latest_requests = [] last_request = HTTPrettyRequestEmpty() _is_enabled = False allow_net_connect = True
[docs] @classmethod def match_uriinfo(cls, info): """ :param info: an :py:class:`~httpretty.core.URIInfo` :returns: a 2-item tuple: (:py:class:`~httpretty.core.URLMatcher`, :py:class:`~httpretty.core.URIInfo`) or ``(None, [])`` """ items = sorted( cls._entries.items(), key=lambda matcher_entries: matcher_entries[0].priority, reverse=True, ) for matcher, value in items: if matcher.matches(info): return (matcher, info) return (None, [])
[docs] @classmethod def match_https_hostname(cls, hostname): """ :param hostname: a string :returns: an :py:class:`~httpretty.core.URLMatcher` or ``None`` """ items = sorted( cls._entries.items(), key=lambda matcher_entries: matcher_entries[0].priority, reverse=True, ) for matcher, value in items: if is None: pattern_with_port = "https://{0}:".format(hostname) pattern_without_port = "https://{0}/".format(hostname) hostname_pattern = ( hostname_re .match(matcher.regex.pattern) .group(0) ) for pattern in [pattern_with_port, pattern_without_port]: if re.match(hostname_pattern, pattern): return matcher elif == hostname: return matcher return None
[docs] @classmethod def match_http_address(cls, hostname, port): """ :param hostname: a string :param port: an integer :returns: an :py:class:`~httpretty.core.URLMatcher` or ``None`` """ items = sorted( cls._entries.items(), key=lambda matcher_entries: matcher_entries[0].priority, reverse=True, ) for matcher, value in items: if is None: if port in POTENTIAL_HTTPS_PORTS: scheme = 'https://' else: scheme = 'http://' pattern_without_port = "{0}{1}/".format(scheme, hostname) pattern_with_port = "{0}{1}:{2}/".format(scheme, hostname, port) hostname_pattern = ( hostname_re .match(matcher.regex.pattern) .group(0) ) for pattern in [pattern_with_port, pattern_without_port]: if re.match(hostname_pattern, pattern): return matcher elif == hostname \ and == port: return matcher return None
[docs] @classmethod @contextlib.contextmanager def record(cls, filename, indentation=4, encoding='utf-8'): """ .. testcode:: import io import json import requests import httpretty with httpretty.record('/tmp/ip.json'): data = requests.get('').json() with'/tmp/ip.json') as fd: assert data == json.load(fd) :param filename: a string :param indentation: an integer, defaults to **4** :param encoding: a string, defaults to **"utf-8"** :returns: a `context-manager <>`_ """ try: import urllib3 except ImportError: msg = ( 'HTTPretty requires urllib3 installed ' 'for recording actual requests.' ) raise RuntimeError(msg) http = urllib3.PoolManager() cls.enable() calls = [] def record_request(request, uri, headers): cls.disable() kw = {} kw.setdefault('body', request.body) kw.setdefault('headers', dict(request.headers)) response = http.request(request.method, uri, **kw) calls.append({ 'request': { 'uri': uri, 'method': request.method, 'headers': dict(request.headers), 'body': decode_utf8(request.body), 'querystring': request.querystring }, 'response': { 'status': response.status, 'body': decode_utf8(, # urllib3 1.10 had a bug if you just did: # dict(response.headers) # which would cause all the values to become lists # with the header name as the first item and the # true value as the second item. Workaround that 'headers': dict(response.headers.items()) } }) cls.enable() return response.status, response.headers, for method in cls.METHODS: cls.register_uri(method, MULTILINE_ANY_REGEX, body=record_request) yield cls.disable() with, 'w', encoding) as f: f.write(json.dumps(calls, indent=indentation))
[docs] @classmethod @contextlib.contextmanager def playback(cls, filename): """ .. testcode:: import io import json import requests import httpretty with httpretty.record('/tmp/ip.json'): data = requests.get('').json() with'/tmp/ip.json') as fd: assert data == json.load(fd) :param filename: a string :returns: a `context-manager <>`_ """ cls.enable() data = json.loads(open(filename).read()) for item in data: uri = item['request']['uri'] method = item['request']['method'] body = item['response']['body'] headers = item['response']['headers'] cls.register_uri(method, uri, body=body, forcing_headers=headers) yield cls.disable()
[docs] @classmethod def reset(cls): """resets the internal state of HTTPretty, unregistering all URLs """ POTENTIAL_HTTP_PORTS.intersection_update(DEFAULT_HTTP_PORTS) POTENTIAL_HTTPS_PORTS.intersection_update(DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORTS) cls._entries.clear() cls.latest_requests = [] cls.last_request = HTTPrettyRequestEmpty()
[docs] @classmethod def historify_request(cls, headers, body='', append=True): """appends request to a list for later retrieval .. testcode:: import httpretty httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, '', body='') with httpretty.enabled(): requests.get('') assert httpretty.latest_requests[-1].url == '' """ request = HTTPrettyRequest(headers, body) cls.last_request = request if append or not cls.latest_requests: cls.latest_requests.append(request) else: cls.latest_requests[-1] = request return request
[docs] @classmethod def register_uri(cls, method, uri, body='{"message": "HTTPretty :)"}', adding_headers=None, forcing_headers=None, status=200, responses=None, match_querystring=False, priority=0, **headers): """ .. testcode:: import httpretty def request_callback(request, uri, response_headers): content_type = request.headers.get('Content-Type') assert request.body == '{"nothing": "here"}', 'unexpected body: {}'.format(request.body) assert content_type == 'application/json', 'expected application/json but received Content-Type: {}'.format(content_type) return [200, response_headers, json.dumps({"hello": "world"})] httpretty.register_uri( HTTPretty.POST, "", body=request_callback) with httpretty.enabled():'', data='{"nothing": "here"}', headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) assert httpretty.latest_requests[-1].url == '' :param method: one of ``httpretty.GET``, ``httpretty.PUT``, ``httpretty.POST``, ``httpretty.DELETE``, ``httpretty.HEAD``, ``httpretty.PATCH``, ``httpretty.OPTIONS``, ``httpretty.CONNECT`` :param uri: a string (e.g.: **""**) :param body: a string, defaults to ``{"message": "HTTPretty :)"}`` :param adding_headers: dict - headers to be added to the response :param forcing_headers: dict - headers to be forcefully set in the response :param status: an integer, defaults to **200** :param responses: a list of entries, ideally each created with :py:meth:`~httpretty.core.httpretty.Response` :param priority: an integer, useful for setting higher priority over previously registered urls. defaults to zero :param match_querystring: bool - whether to take the querystring into account when matching an URL :param headers: headers to be added to the response """ uri_is_string = isinstance(uri, basestring) if uri_is_string and'^\w+://[^/]+[.]\w{2,}$', uri): uri += '/' if isinstance(responses, list) and len(responses) > 0: for response in responses: response.uri = uri response.method = method entries_for_this_uri = responses else: headers[str('body')] = body headers[str('adding_headers')] = adding_headers headers[str('forcing_headers')] = forcing_headers headers[str('status')] = status entries_for_this_uri = [ cls.Response(method=method, uri=uri, **headers), ] matcher = URIMatcher(uri, entries_for_this_uri, match_querystring, priority) if matcher in cls._entries: matcher.entries.extend(cls._entries[matcher]) del cls._entries[matcher] cls._entries[matcher] = entries_for_this_uri
def __str__(self): return '<HTTPretty with %d URI entries>' % len(self._entries)
[docs] @classmethod def Response( cls, body, method=None, uri=None, adding_headers=None, forcing_headers=None, status=200, streaming=False, **kw): """ shortcut to create an :py:class:`~httpretty.core.Entry` that takes the body as first positional argument .. seealso:: the parameters of this function match those of the :py:class:`~httpretty.core.Entry` constructor :param body: :param method: one of ``httpretty.GET``, ``httpretty.PUT``, ``httpretty.POST``, ``httpretty.DELETE``, ``httpretty.HEAD``, ``httpretty.PATCH``, ``httpretty.OPTIONS``, ``httpretty.CONNECT`` :param uri: :param adding_headers: :param forcing_headers: :param status: defaults to **200** :param streaming: defaults to **False** :param kw: keyword-arguments passed onto the :py:class:`~httpretty.core.Entry` :returns: an :py:class:`~httpretty.core.Entry` """ kw['body'] = body kw['adding_headers'] = adding_headers kw['forcing_headers'] = forcing_headers kw['status'] = int(status) kw['streaming'] = streaming return Entry(method, uri, **kw)
[docs] @classmethod def disable(cls): """Disables HTTPretty entirely, putting the original :py:mod:`socket` module back in its place. .. code:: import re, json import httpretty httpretty.enable() # request passes through fake socket response = requests.get('') httpretty.disable() # request uses real python socket module response = requests.get('') .. note:: This method does not call :py:meth:`httpretty.core.reset` automatically. """ cls._is_enabled = False socket.socket = old_socket socket.SocketType = old_SocketType socket._socketobject = old_socket socket.create_connection = old_create_connection socket.gethostname = old_gethostname socket.gethostbyname = old_gethostbyname socket.getaddrinfo = old_getaddrinfo socket.__dict__['socket'] = old_socket socket.__dict__['_socketobject'] = old_socket socket.__dict__['SocketType'] = old_SocketType socket.__dict__['create_connection'] = old_create_connection socket.__dict__['gethostname'] = old_gethostname socket.__dict__['gethostbyname'] = old_gethostbyname socket.__dict__['getaddrinfo'] = old_getaddrinfo if socks: socks.socksocket = old_socksocket socks.__dict__['socksocket'] = old_socksocket if ssl: ssl.wrap_socket = old_ssl_wrap_socket ssl.SSLSocket = old_sslsocket try: ssl.SSLContext.wrap_socket = old_sslcontext_wrap_socket except AttributeError: pass ssl.__dict__['wrap_socket'] = old_ssl_wrap_socket ssl.__dict__['SSLSocket'] = old_sslsocket if not PY3: ssl.sslwrap_simple = old_sslwrap_simple ssl.__dict__['sslwrap_simple'] = old_sslwrap_simple if requests_urllib3_connection is not None: requests_urllib3_connection.ssl_wrap_socket = \ old_requests_ssl_wrap_socket requests_urllib3_connection.__dict__['ssl_wrap_socket'] = \ old_requests_ssl_wrap_socket
[docs] @classmethod def is_enabled(cls): """Check if HTTPretty is enabled :returns: bool .. testcode:: import httpretty httpretty.enable() assert httpretty.is_enabled() == True httpretty.disable() assert httpretty.is_enabled() == False """ return cls._is_enabled
[docs] @classmethod def enable(cls, allow_net_connect=True): """Enables HTTPretty. When ``allow_net_connect`` is ``False`` any connection to an unregistered uri will throw :py:class:`httpretty.errors.UnmockedError`. .. testcode:: import re, json import httpretty httpretty.enable() httpretty.register_uri( httpretty.GET, re.compile(r'http://.*'), body=json.dumps({'man': 'in', 'the': 'middle'}) ) response = requests.get('') response.json().should.equal({ "man": "in", "the": "middle", }) .. warning:: after calling this method the original :py:mod:`socket` is replaced with :py:class:`httpretty.core.fakesock`. Make sure to call :py:meth:`~httpretty.disable` after done with your tests or use the :py:class:`httpretty.enabled` as decorator or `context-manager <>`_ """ cls.allow_net_connect = allow_net_connect cls._is_enabled = True # Some versions of python internally shadowed the # SocketType variable incorrectly bad_socket_shadow = (socket.socket != socket.SocketType) socket.socket = fakesock.socket socket._socketobject = fakesock.socket if not bad_socket_shadow: socket.SocketType = fakesock.socket socket.create_connection = create_fake_connection socket.gethostname = fake_gethostname socket.gethostbyname = fake_gethostbyname socket.getaddrinfo = fake_getaddrinfo socket.__dict__['socket'] = fakesock.socket socket.__dict__['_socketobject'] = fakesock.socket if not bad_socket_shadow: socket.__dict__['SocketType'] = fakesock.socket socket.__dict__['create_connection'] = create_fake_connection socket.__dict__['gethostname'] = fake_gethostname socket.__dict__['gethostbyname'] = fake_gethostbyname socket.__dict__['getaddrinfo'] = fake_getaddrinfo if socks: socks.socksocket = fakesock.socket socks.__dict__['socksocket'] = fakesock.socket if ssl: new_wrap = partial(fake_wrap_socket, old_ssl_wrap_socket) ssl.wrap_socket = new_wrap ssl.SSLSocket = FakeSSLSocket try: ssl.SSLContext.wrap_socket = partial(fake_wrap_socket, old_sslcontext_wrap_socket) except AttributeError: pass ssl.__dict__['wrap_socket'] = new_wrap ssl.__dict__['SSLSocket'] = FakeSSLSocket if not PY3: ssl.sslwrap_simple = new_wrap ssl.__dict__['sslwrap_simple'] = new_wrap if requests_urllib3_connection is not None: new_wrap = partial(fake_wrap_socket, old_requests_ssl_wrap_socket) requests_urllib3_connection.ssl_wrap_socket = new_wrap requests_urllib3_connection.__dict__['ssl_wrap_socket'] = new_wrap
[docs]class httprettized(object): """`context-manager <>`_ for enabling HTTPretty. .. testcode:: import json import httpretty httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, '', body=json.dumps({'origin': ''})) with httpretty.enabled(): response = requests.get('') assert httpretty.latest_requests[-1].url == '' assert response.json() == {'origin': ''} """ def __init__(self, allow_net_connect=True): self.allow_net_connect = allow_net_connect def __enter__(self): httpretty.reset() httpretty.enable(allow_net_connect=self.allow_net_connect) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): httpretty.disable() httpretty.reset()
[docs]def httprettified(test=None, allow_net_connect=True): """decorator for test functions .. tip:: Also available under the alias :py:func:`httpretty.activate` :param test: a callable example usage with `nosetests <>`_ .. testcode:: import sure from httpretty import httprettified @httprettified def test_using_nosetests(): httpretty.register_uri( httpretty.GET, '' ) response = requests.get('') response.json().should.equal({ "message": "HTTPretty :)" }) example usage with `unittest module <>`_ .. testcode:: import unittest from sure import expect from httpretty import httprettified @httprettified class TestWithPyUnit(unittest.TestCase): def test_httpbin(self): httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, '') response = requests.get('') expect(response.json()).to.equal({ "message": "HTTPretty :)" }) """ def decorate_unittest_TestCase_setUp(klass): # Prefer addCleanup (added in python 2.7), but fall back # to using tearDown if it isn't available use_addCleanup = hasattr(klass, 'addCleanup') original_setUp = (klass.setUp if hasattr(klass, 'setUp') else None) def new_setUp(self): httpretty.reset() httpretty.enable(allow_net_connect) if use_addCleanup: self.addCleanup(httpretty.disable) if original_setUp: original_setUp(self) klass.setUp = new_setUp if not use_addCleanup: original_tearDown = (klass.setUp if hasattr(klass, 'tearDown') else None) def new_tearDown(self): httpretty.disable() httpretty.reset() if original_tearDown: original_tearDown(self) klass.tearDown = new_tearDown return klass def decorate_test_methods(klass): for attr in dir(klass): if not attr.startswith('test_'): continue attr_value = getattr(klass, attr) if not hasattr(attr_value, "__call__"): continue setattr(klass, attr, decorate_callable(attr_value)) return klass def is_unittest_TestCase(klass): try: import unittest return issubclass(klass, unittest.TestCase) except ImportError: return False "A decorator for tests that use HTTPretty" def decorate_class(klass): if is_unittest_TestCase(klass): return decorate_unittest_TestCase_setUp(klass) return decorate_test_methods(klass) def decorate_callable(test): @functools.wraps(test) def wrapper(*args, **kw): with httprettized(allow_net_connect): return test(*args, **kw) return wrapper if isinstance(test, ClassTypes): return decorate_class(test) elif callable(test): return decorate_callable(test) return decorate_callable